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A vibrant gathering of people is taking place in what appears to be a religious or cultural setting. Many individuals are seated on the ground, surrounded by numerous small lit candles. The attendees are dressed in colorful traditional garments. The environment is bustling, with some people engaged in prayer or meditation, while others are arranging the candles into patterns or designs on the ground. An ancient stone pillar and ornate architecture are visible in the background.
A vibrant gathering of people is taking place in what appears to be a religious or cultural setting. Many individuals are seated on the ground, surrounded by numerous small lit candles. The attendees are dressed in colorful traditional garments. The environment is bustling, with some people engaged in prayer or meditation, while others are arranging the candles into patterns or designs on the ground. An ancient stone pillar and ornate architecture are visible in the background.


Encuentra un espacio de conexión y sanación en nuestra comunidad. Estamos aquí para guiarte en tu viaje espiritual y personal.


Calle de la Magia, 123


Lunes a Viernes